Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Birthday is coming

Wowo... Happy Birthday to me soon...

Haha... 2 more days to go, 30 March 1980, on that day, in Hong Kong, in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, a great man was born in that morning, everyone was so happy, full of graceful, looking at that talented, smart, handsome, and wonderful baby, I smiled back, wondering what are those people were doing? Haven't they met such a great man like me before? Hoho... I know and understand how good, how brigt, how shiny I am, joy suddenly filled with theworld, everyone was smiling, feeling so warm in their heart...

Haha... 26 is a good number, a good year, a good sign, a new start, full of diffrent meanings, I would like to invite all of you to share the joy and happiness on 4 Apr (The Day of Children, public holiday next day), always young in heart.

Monday, March 27, 2006

This Week

These weeks, I have been extremely busy, working from 930 in the morning to 2 or 3 in midnight. Working on Saturday and Sunday. Having a lot of problems, physically and mentally. I don't have my own time, nearly ZERO personal life. I don't even have time to meet my friends, especially a friend who is very sick, I feel so sorry that I can't make up any time to go to see him, to see what's going on.I have no idea what happened to him, I asked him what's that about, he just asked me to go to see him if I have time and said he's very sick. I think I shuld go to see him immediately or I will regreat for my whole life, but shame I will be out of town again this weekm flying to Shanghai, meeting the real Giorgio Armani.

Yes, GA is coming to Hong Kong and he brings me a lot of troubles and emotional breakdown indirectly. I was kinda deoressed yesterday and I felt so bad, not able to go to a dinner which my friends planned to celebrate my birthday, not able to go to Dundas or Drop to met my friends. Seem my life these days is all about WORK only, kinda sick of it.

I don't expect everyone understand why I work like that these days, and surely many complained about that as well. I do hope my friends can support me to get through the last week of the nightmare. The big disaster is coming and not sure if I can handle well, I am stressed out and kinda weak, both physically and mentally.

By the way, I will fly to Shanghai on Friday and will be back on Sunday, so see you guys when I am back.

p.s. thisweek before I fly to SH, I will stay in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, so do come to my Club Harbour View Room to have a look if you have time.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

My Life in Shanghai

As what I have said earlier in the blog, there would be thousand of meetings waiting for me in Shanghai. Yes, that's really tough and tiring, I landed at 1, meeting starting from 2, and all meetings finished finally at 12 something in mid-night.

I was totally screwed, stressed out, I was so upset and felt so horrible when I walked out the meeting room, I drank some red wine after the meetings, then going down to the street, going to the store to buy a latge bottle of Tsing Tao, a pack of Mid Seven, drinking, smoking and walking alone on the street. My soul was drying up, I felt weak, lonely and helpless. What's the happy face? I don't know.

I met all those weirdo on the street, begging for money, asking if I want a girl, I did want, but I was far too tired to do anything, meeting and meeting, seemed part of my life has been taken away. I felt so weak that I had no idea on what to do and how to cope with, good that I have a lot of riends supporting me, I was so relieved when I got their SMS and talking with them on phone.

The first night sucked, nothing happened.

2nd day sucked, meeting starting from 8 in the morning til 9 something at night, to be honest, I am not that kind of meeting person, it's kinda waste to ask me to sit in.

Yes, the real Shanghai trip started after all the meetings, went out to have dinner with a friend living there, buying DVD and CD afterwards, then went to a club called "Bonbour Street" (Something like that, not sure if I spell it correctly). Nothing special, just like "Dust til Dawn" in Wan Chai, yes, same same, not different. All the people left at around 1:20, as the new law just applied that all the entertainment operations MUST close by 2:00, shame.

Yes, that's pretty shit, then I went to find a massage place to have the foot massage and oil body massage. It's the first time that I tried the oil massage, it's so exotic, very very exotic, haha, I think all the guys love it, ordinary massage but very exotic, all of you should try, haha.

I will go to Shanghai again on the 31 March, the day after my b-day, hopefully can have more free time, maybe 6 hours free time, but surely the next Shanghai trip will be more rough and tough, hope I will be fine.

Dudes, ready to receive my late night calls / SMS again from Shanghai.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Out of Town - Shanghai

My dear,

I will be out of town for 3 days 2 nights, to Shanghai, attending a series of marathon meetings with those cunt faces.

Hope can get a SH fit bird (or maybe more than ONE) on Friday night, see all of you when I am back.

Don't miss me so much. Take care.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Never Enough

"Never enough", it suddenly comes up to my mind, never enough personal time, never enough good time, never enough rest, yes, never enough, never enough to have enough time to do all I need to do everyday, never.

Last week was a tough week, but also a fulfilling week. I don't find having really hard time in work, that's something good to hear, right? Less complaining last week, as I don't have time to complain, not sure whether it's good or not, but anyways, I have no time to think, no time to complain, no time to gossip, no time to do anything, no time to hang out with my friends, no time to sit down to watch TV with my family, no time to do this and that.

I finally can hang out with my friends last night, though not for long, but feeling good, I always say my friends are my spiritual support, no matter what, I need to meet my friends, to talk with them. Yes, may sound a bit too reliable, but that's me, and that's what I need and want.

It's Sunday today and it's nearly 5 now, 15 hours later, I need to go to work again, yes, never enough free time, never enough personal life, never enough time to enjoy life, that's why I cherish every moment I spend with all of you. xoxo

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Line

There always should be a clear line between your professional and personal lives.

People always query why I complain my job so much. I know some of them are getting tired and pissed off that I complain always, talking about my work when I go out to drink. Some people said that I probably got the job that most people dreamt of, going to parties, getting in the VIP areas of the clubs, wearing desingers' clothes, drinking free wine, meeting "beautiful" people, having kind of different life-style than most people. Sounds cool, right? But when you find that the line between your professional and personal lives becomes invisible, how pathetic it is.

Yes, I party a lot, when you guys go to party, you probably enjoy much, when I go, I talk to most people, building relations, "spying", "gossiping", you can't show youself to someone, you can't complain, you can't say a word that is bad to your work or your boss. When people asks "How's work?", the model answer is "It's good, how's yours?", then you will hear "It's good as well". Even when we had really shitty time, we smiled, we swallowed our tear, showing our most cheerful and our standard No.1 "smile" to the industry people. Who can be trusted? I will say, "NO ONE", keep you mouth zipped, smile and keep walking, drinking with people, chattering with others in the party, the only thing you can do, probably you can get drunk as well, drowned yourself with free Moet, but make sure you won't let any "bad thing" slip out from your mouth. Party should be something enjoyable, but once it becomes your "work", that's not fun anymore. By the way, am I working in the party? I don't know, that's no clear line, so blur.

I know some may say I can choose not to go, but people are so superficial and "absent-mind" in this industry, haven't showed up for a month and there will be gossip saying you quit the job, you are not in the industry anymore, you are not a good PR, something like that... blah blah blah.

Whether the people that seem good friends to you are your true friends or not, it's hard to determine in this industry, who doesn't smile at you, cheer at you, talk to you? Even though they hate you very much, they will still say hi, pretending you 2 are friends, drinking with you, so hypocratic. No, I don't know, somehow the term "friend" crossed the line into my personal life. Shame. I do believe some of them are really friends, but whenever there are something tie with work, it seems they are not your friends, so, I don't know.

Yes, that's quite a funny topic I think, will write more later this week, gotta sleep first, good night and have a good dream. Stay tune.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Feeling

I had a very strange feeling this morning.

I was waiting at the Tai Wai platform, waiting for the KCR to come, I was standing at the very front. I felt a bit dizzy. I was moving fore and back, swinging at the platform feeling that I was going to fall down. I held my breath, looking at the rail and a sudden flux of jumping off the platform crossed my mind. I was thinking to jump off when the KCR came, I woke up all of a sudden. Feeling strange, looking around, all the people were still there, reading newspaper, queueing up, rubbing their hands, talking on the phone.

Stars were swirling over my head, singing and dancing, I couldn't catch up the beat, I was a bit slow these several days, the medicine made me a bit tired and sleepy. I was thinking why I was there, waiting for the KCR, looking like a robot, doing the same sort of things everyday. Woke up, took a shower, got changed, taxi to Tai Wai, got on the KCR, then bus to Causeway Bay, then work and work and work and work, working nonstop.

"Ming, be prepared that you won't be able to meet up your friends these several weeks"

"Ming, you can't be sick this month"

"Ming, you shouldn't this and shouldn't that...."

All these come up to my mind every single minute, even when I am dreaming, I dream of that.

"Ming (screaming)................."

Life is always not easy, not easy to start nor stop. What comes around, goes around. Take it or leave it. After days and days, happy or not, all depends on how to think. My choice? I don't know, I will say, I try hard to make myself happy and enjoy my life, trying to make those pissed me off to love me, turning enemy into "friends". Yes, that sounds a bit awful, but anyway, that's LIFE.