Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My BIG day

I am so excited, it should be the FINAL FINAL interview, after interviewed by the HR manager, Communication manager, retail director, regional MD, finally it comes to the regional communication director, needless to say, I am very excited plus a bit of nervous. After getting through some many rounds of job interview, I am getting more and more relief everytime, seem I am much more well prepared and better equip now. No matter the result is good or bad, it's still a very good experience, at least they really treasure me and treat me like a "VIP".

The point of getting out of the hell is so close now, very very close, I can nearly smell the heaven, hope I can get the permit to get into heaven soon... Time in hell is not good, but still a lot of good memories...

Hell and Heaven. Demon and Angel. Same same but different. Hope I can be an angel, living in Heaven soon...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Fight against "Nightmare"

My dear, probably some of you have heard my shittest ever story happened in GG last night. But anyway, working under such a shitty environment is not easy, being a "survivor" is always tough. Alright, if you can't imagine the situation, use your imagination to think of "A combat crushed on the planet, nothing left and you are the only survivor after the crush..." At this point, probably everyone can imagine the situation.

Okay, let's talk about how to cope with this if it happens,

1) Alcohol (Probably the best "invention" in human's history, fuck up your mind, no pain, no tear, the best way to "brainwash")

2) Girls (Haha... of course talking about those hot and sexy girls... NO PORK CHOP... but if you gay, this can be changed to BOYS)

3) "Smoking" (Smoking cigarette, fag, weeds, marijuana, pot, cigar, etc...)

4) Money (Hire a professional HIV infected rent girl/boy to let him fuck)

5) Waiting ("See you or he/she will die first" old Chinese saying)

Alright, probably the best way is to keep your SMILING face always, even though you are "burning" inside, wait for the right time to fight back and kill him... haha, what do you think?

Monday, August 15, 2005

Life is not Easy

After working in G for 20 months, I finally realise that "life is not easy", especially when one wants to quit the company so desperately. Alright, let's see the 7 "sins"

1) Shit boss - I know many of them, if you need one, tell me. The shit boss teaches you how to survive in the adverse working environment and initial you to search for better job.

2) Shit colleagues - To be honest, one should feel happy to meet shit colleagues, they are your EQ trainers. You will start using your brain more frequent in thinking how to attack and avoid being attacked by them, good for your brain.

3) Low payroll - On the other hand, it teaches you how to be a "SURVIVOR".

4) No job satisfaction - Good indicator, leading you to go and search for a new job aggressively. Good for your career, at least you are still care about your career.

5) No appreciation - No doubt people nowadays need to learn how to appreciate others, probably they need to go to church more and read bible more. Remember, there should be someone appreciate you always, don't feel falter if your boss or colleagues keep on treating you bad, they just jealous your talent and think you are threating their status.

6) Poor Fung Shui - No comment in this, you know, poor or good is very SUBJECTIVE.

7) Poor management - I don't think many managers are good in management, unless you studied in business school before, if not, you can never be a good manager. OK, quick way to learn good, efficient and effective management, go to bookstore and buy " 7 habbits of effective people" or simply pick a book about management. Good for all managers.

Hey all, bear in mind, treat people in the same way that you like to be treated.