My morale is pretty low these days…. Having heard from a fortune teller, said that I would lose my job in the coming 1 or 2 months, my morale has dropped to the historical low point, I have been trying really hard to bring it back, but the idea of losing my job is swirling in my head all the time. I do understand if I keep thinking of this, I will definitely lose my job soon as I can’t really concentrate, I can’t focus on my work, it’s horrible.
I tried not to believe in what the fortune teller told me, but somehow, it’s really difficult to get this out of my mind, it’s very distracting and irritating, and it even brings me down. I haven’t experienced that before, am always optimistic and realistic, I don’t believe what those so called “fortune tellers” said, but this time, maybe cos of the economy, I start to have doubt in myself and the future.
Hope this feeling and idea will soon go, I can’t let myself down cos of this stupid and unscientific saying, hope all the bad things will soon go and I can resume my positivity soon.