Saturday, November 19, 2005


As time flies, people change, it's very important to position yourself well, you are the one who control your life, but not being controlled by the surroundings.

I have seen many people getting lost when they immerse into different culture, they follow what others are doing, they have no idea, no direction, have no clue on what they are doing, they forget their "origin", they just simply get "LOST"...

It's even more pathetic if one change cos of their work, yes, a lot of prople just don't realise they becaome such an animal. Living in this world, working for the living is defo not easy, but be what you are, stabbing someone's back for your own benefits, putting trap for someone, 100% not righteous, alright, if you wanna "get rid of" someone, show them your "power", show them your "ability", let them shut up themselves, this is more noble.

When you are in doubt,

1) Try to be alone and calm down

2) Find out the reason behind

3) Sort that out, if not, go and discuss with your friends, friends are always good listener and advisor, even though they may not fully understand your situation, at least you feel more relieved after talking with them

4) Be true to yourself, you always have an answer or solution in your mind already, you kow what's going on, it's just whether you wanna accept it or not only

5) Surely, you can find the way out, if not, bare in mind :Everything will work out fine", there is nothing in the world that can't be solved.


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