Friday, October 14, 2005


Why I am drunk.....forget about the Part 3 of my travelling, will post it soon.........

1) Alcohol... what can you say after 2 bottles of WHITE WINE?

2) Friends... happy to see my friends... so drink alot... happy to meet new friends, so drink alot as well

3) Happiness... I am happy, so I drink and drink non-stop, I LOVE you all....successful event and that's my first project in my new job... what can I complain...

4) Bo Yat Long... Happy to talk with him... my BEST friend ever (no sure if he thinks in the same way or not... haha)

5) Meeting new friends... drinking probably is one of the BEST ways to meet new friends...

6) Girl... may able to shag a "fucking" slut soon... haha...(YEAH... come down and suck my cock)

7) I know what you want...

Yes... it's your turn to tell why you get drunk... don't fxxking tell me you dun know... there should be some reasons behind...


At 10:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get drunk to make the feelings of guilt and shame that I have had since as long as I can remember disappear for a short while. I get drunk to make the pain slightly easier to cope with. I get drunk cause it's easier than being alone with my thoughts and the realisation of what I have become.I get drunk cause I know I'm a Fuck Up; an Alcoholic, a Criminal and an Addict.


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