Sunday, June 11, 2006


Sense of insecurity is grwoing bigger and bigger, out of no reason. Maybe when one gets old, becoming more stubborn and conservative, don't want to change, relationship, work, life, going to look for so called "Stability", once there is a change, feeling of insecurity comes.

Who on this world can control everything, only GOD can possibly, ironically, there are a lot of "control-freak" in this world, they follow what they want to do and want the others to follow their was as well, no descripency, same pace, same way, zero error. "Control freaks" are those who are extremely confident but with great sense of insecurity, it sounds contradicting, but that's true. They don't accept anything which is out of their control, out of their comfort zone. Everyone wants to live within their comfort zone, following the routine as that's always the safest and easiest way, outside the zone, a lot of uncertainies may arise...

Who's gonna take th risk and callenge when there is uncertany, so we always fight to turn and change everything into our "format", to become our "way", why's that? INSERCURITY. To be honest, I don't believe ever lasting, nothing can last forever, there is a day when that's died out, "expiry date" on everything, life, luck, love, friendhip, career, etc.

The insecurity inside can help and ruin the life, it depends very much on how one interprets.


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